What happened to Thursday?
Im posting a little early today because I am taking the night off with some friends tonight. The strange thing is that I thought today was THURSDAY. I don't know where my mind has been lately. I suppose its a combination of trying to cram a lot of information into my head and worrying about a number of things at the same time. I need to start focusing more and worrying less about other things.
On that note (in addition to someone's comments), I decided not to post any more updates on what's going on with GLC. I made a few phone calls and sent some emails today and I think that should take care of any future problems. In the end, its no big deal and everything will be ok. As much as I would love to spend a year in the East Coast, I am happy with staying here and transfering to the new school this fall.
As for my studies, I completed three the Criminal Law and the Sales outline. I am almost done with the Evidence outline and hopefully, I can finish the Property outline (particularly that LONG section on land conveyance). I just realized that I didn't even touch Torts.
Tomorrow, I am taking a day off. I plan to visit two of the bar exam sites, so I can decide which one I wish to go to. I have to check out the temperature, restaurants, and perhaps even local hospitals.
On that note (in addition to someone's comments), I decided not to post any more updates on what's going on with GLC. I made a few phone calls and sent some emails today and I think that should take care of any future problems. In the end, its no big deal and everything will be ok. As much as I would love to spend a year in the East Coast, I am happy with staying here and transfering to the new school this fall.
As for my studies, I completed three the Criminal Law and the Sales outline. I am almost done with the Evidence outline and hopefully, I can finish the Property outline (particularly that LONG section on land conveyance). I just realized that I didn't even touch Torts.
Tomorrow, I am taking a day off. I plan to visit two of the bar exam sites, so I can decide which one I wish to go to. I have to check out the temperature, restaurants, and perhaps even local hospitals.
Any Paris Hilton in house tonight?
As for your studies...Good work steve. Smoke more cigarettes, less stress..!
Posted by
Prince Romp |
9:02 AM