Friday, June 30, 2006

Day off

I know its been a while since I last posted. Its just that the test is right around the corner and I've been trying to focus on the test. As today is the last day of June, I decided to take the day off from studying. I might even take tomorrow off too.

Anyway, here's an update as to what's been going on:

1. Looks like GLC has made their decision. I have decided not to disclose the decision on this blog. I'm sure a few of you can understand why.

2. My interest in the World Cup has dwindled since three of the teams of I have been following have been eliminated in the last week.

3. My study schedule has been divided into subjects (with practice MBE/essays):
Monday: Torts/Crim Law/Crim Pro
Tuesday: Con Law/Wills/Trusts
Wednesday: Property/Corporations
Thursday: Evidence/Civ Pro
Friday: Contracts/UCC/Community Property
Saturday: 100 MBEs/Remedies/Professional Resposbility
Sunday: Day off or passive studying (aka wasting time)

And I suppose somewhere in there I will do a PT or two.

I think that's the schedule I will keep until test day.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


Today, I reviewed Con Law, Wills and Trusts. The interesting thing is that....oh crap, its past midnight. I'm tired.

Saturday, June 24, 2006


For your amusement, I visited two of the locations where I will be taking the exam. Here are the pictures of the Ontario Convention Center.

Unfortunately, Ontario is pretty dull. At least compared to Pasadena (see below). It was so dull that I didn't leave the car when I took these pictures. You have to literally go blocks awat to get to a restaurant. There really wasn't anywhere to go except to the nearby hotels. The good part is that there are a lot of hotels here so getting a room wont be too much trouble.

It was hard to tell from this vantage point how I was going to get in to the convention center. I guess I'll just have to follow the sea of bodies on test day.


Unfortunately, I have no idea how these pictures are coming out so I'll make a general description. Unless the applicant lives too far away, chances are Pasadena would be the ideal bar exam location. The convention center is located near the mall, and the atmosphere is pleasant. Also, after Thursday (or even Tuesday or Wednedsay), almost everybody would be going a few blocks away to Old Town for drinks.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Memorization and confusion

I decided to spend less time rewriting outlines and focusing more on memorization. The one thing I learned about memorization this time around is that it is not enough to memorize the rule. I have to memorize the rule to the point where I can write it in an essay question without a second thought.

This brings up one thing about BarBri's books that pisses me off. They don't state the rules in a consistent manner. For example, one of their essay questions concerns false imprisonment. In the answer, the writer wrote the Rule portion of IRAC in this manner:

To establish a prima facie case for false imprisonment, plaintiff must prove: 1) an act or omission to act on the part of the defendant that confines or restrains the plaintiff to a bounded area, 2) intent on the part of the defendant to confine or restrain plaintiff, and 3) causation.

Whoever wrote this must have memorized the outlines or had an open-book test. Its a bit long to write, but it points out the elements and makes the analysis portion easier.

In another essay question, the author wrote a shorthand rule describing assault:

An assault is an affirmative act with the intent to place the plaintiff in an apprehension of an immediate harmful or offensive contact.

Now lets go back to the false imprisonment example. If I were to write it in shorthand, it might look something like this:

False imprisonment is an intentional act that causes plaintiff to be confined to a bounded area.

Another essay question dealt with negligence. In the answer, the author used the short method: Negligence is the breach of a duty of due care which is the actual and proximate cause of plaintiff's injuries. This is a lot easier to write, and this method would work if the writer is proficient with negligence analysis.

If one were to write using the previous method, it might look something like this:

To establish a prima facie case of negligence, the plainiff must show: 1) The existence of a duty on the part of the defendant to conform to a specific standard of conduct for the protection of the P against an unreasonable risk of injury, 2) Breach of that duty by the defendant, 3) That the breach of that duty was the actual and proximate cause of the P’s injury, and 4) Damage to the P’s person or property.

Blah blah blah...

The point is, now that we are on the final stretch, it is best to stick with one set of rules. I just wish the people at Barbri would do a better job at doing it.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Weekend update

I am now officially hooked on soccer. The fast action, and especially the lack of commercials has somehow got me interested.

I initially watched the World Cup to see only a few countries play, but I've been watching all of the games today and yesterday. How do I do this and study? I simply turn it to the Spanish-speaking channel. That way, the announcers' commentary does not distract me unless a team scores, or is about to score (the crowd is also a good indicator).

Unfortunately, the reality of summer is kicking in. 83F (25C). At night. Makes sleeping a bit more difficult. This may also explain why I'm posting so late.

Friday, June 16, 2006

My cell phone is officially broken.

Between now and the end of the bar exam, I am not going to answer my cell phone. There are many reasons for this, but they are all related to this main story.

Yesterday, a family member calls me up and asks if I can drop her off at the airport today. Initially, I say that I can't but she complains that no one else can do it because they are all working and I am the only person she knows that isn't doing anything today.

First of all, it was very nice of her to demand this on such short notice. But more importantly, I loved how she implied that I'm not working and I'm just hanging around and doing nothing. (sarcasm off). If this was a friend (even a close friend), this conversation would have been over within the next 30 seconds. But since this was a family member, and she sounded pretty desperate, I reluctantly agreed to do so.

I think this raises one problem that makes studying for the bar (and my life in general) more frustrating than it needs to be. People think I'm free. My friends and family think that I can drop everything at the spur of the moment and do favors for them, drop them off or pick them up somewhere, or fix their computers.

And I blame 90% of my problems on my cell phone. Apparently, the best and worst part about the cell phone is that it makes you easier to reach.

So beginning today until the end of the exam, my phone is "broken" to almost everyone. If someone wants to get a hold of me, they will have to leave a message. I'll call back if his or her message passes intermediate scrutiny (bar exam takers - substantially related to an important purpose? can't think of a good analogy) (everyone else - that person must have a good reason for me to call them back.)

I suppose I got a good half day's work done today. I got 10 of 17 Con law MBE questions right and 9 of 15 mixed MBEs right. If I can average 140-150 on the MBEs, I think the tedious outline copying will be worth it.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

40 days and 40 nights

In the interest of bar exam takers, a recent Supreme Court decision concerning the execution of a warrant may have an effect on the July bar exam:
1) Will this subject be tested?
2) If so, will we have to know this rule?
3) If not, will he have to know the old rule?
4) Is there a distinction between this rule and the old "knock and announce" rule?

I'm going to try posting in between my one-hour breaks. I noticed that posting before I go to bed makes me sound more incoherent. On that note...

I think I am at the point now where I can focus less on copying outlines and start focusing more on MBE, essays and PTs. I've finished most of the important points on the MBE subjects so now I'll focus more on non-MBE subjects. Although I still have a signifinacnt amount to do, at least the end is close by.

Unfortunately, I have been trying to figure out what I am going to do about my trip to China. I have to apply for a U.S. passport soon if I do decide to go. Unfortunately, it has been more difficult than I originially anticipated. It was originally because of potential school conflicts but now with my focusing on the exam and all, I haven't had time to even think of a travel plan. Hopefully, I hope I can squeeze some time in either tomorrow or on Monday.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Can you see how many blogs I am holding?

If you can read this, please leave a comment so I know this template is working. Thanks.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Day off

In World Cup news, I saw the Iran/Mexico game. Im sure that many people in the U.S. were wondering who to root for. Where I live, the crowd is evenly split. One half wants Mexico to win, mainly because there are so many of them here. But there is a surprisingly strong contingent rooting for Iran. I think its not so much they like Iran more, but because an Iran victory can lead the way to a U.S. vs. Iran match. Now that it's over, I suppose a Mexico vs. U.S. match might also be a possibility.

For some reason, a lot of people (at least in the U.S.) are interested in the Mexico vs. Portugal match coming up in the 21st. What's up with that? What did Portugal do?

Friday, June 09, 2006

Friday night

Im meeting with some former study partners (who are also taking the test again) tonight. We're not meeting to study. Instead we are going to compare test preparation techniques and then just hang out.

I'm wondering how they're studying. I know one of them is studying on his own, after taking BarBri a few months back. A few others are repeating with other prep programs (I think its Micromash or Barpassers. All I remember is that their services are free for repeaters.) I don't know about the others.

I'm not studying with them anymore for two reasons. First, they live too far away and lately I have been less inclined to leave the city to meet with them. Second, we never get anything done when we study together. One of the libraries we frequented actually got one of our study sessions on tape.

So what did I do today? Just copy more outlines. Instead of focusing on one subject, I tried doing a little bit of everything. So I copied a little bit from Wills, Trusts, Torts, Crim Pro and Civ Pro. Tomorrow, I am going to closely examine an answer from a PT and try to figure out how the answer was structured. And then try some MBE questions...finally.

Thursday, June 08, 2006


Remember the car accident I got into a while back?

I finally found some free time to get the car fixed. So I call the insurance company and asked them about some recommended body shops. What happens instead is I get a bunch of questions from the lady at the other end asking me about the accident. Most of the time, I answered "It's in the police report."

At some point in the conversation, she mentioned that they identified the car that hit me. The first thing on my mind was "lawsuit". As soon as I pass the bar exam and get my license (assuming I wont be spending the year in the east coast), he or she was going to be my first defendant. Not only that, I plan to press charges for hit and run and reckless driving (in case you forgot, this happened in the freeway).

Anyway, I can't get too detailed about this here, but I'm just glad they found the prick so he or she will end up paying for the damage and I won't have to pay a deductible. Now the car's in a shop and hopefully it will come out looking like new again.

In other news, I'm sure most of you know that Al-Queda has made a joyous announcement. I for one am happy for them and hope that all of their members have similar joyous occasions.

I bring this up because of the $25 million reward that the U.S was offering. For CA bar exam purposes, who gets the reward?

1. The guy who shot the missile into the "safe house"?
2. The guy who unwittingly led the coalition forces to him?
3. Some informant?
4. Who?

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

A wasted day off

Lets start with the good news: I got the site fixed. I think everything's back in place.

Now the bad news. The dentist appointment was cancelled due to a billing issue. What makes this "bad" is that the dentist didn't tell me this until I got to the office. If they just called me a few hours before, I could have brought my insurance card and had everything straightened out. The appointment was postponed until Monday, but what a waste of time. I guess I can consider this a day off.

Blog Wars

It seems that more bar exam blogs are popping up and everyone's looking around.

If you're a fellow bar exam blogger I want to say hello and welcome. Most likely you're here because I was linked under someone's BlogRolling list. Anyway, I look forward to reading about everyone's trials and tribulations. Whatever you're going through, chances are you're not alone. It is likely that I will visit your blog at some point between now and the end of July. And I may even leave a comment or two. I tend to visit those who post on a consistent basis more frequently.

I want to wish you all the best of luck!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

A day in the life of...

Today, I thought I'd do something different. I am going to try to give you a taste of what a bar exam essay question is like and at the same time, explain my day.

In law school and bar exams, we are encouraged to write based on the IRAC format. IRAC is an acronym for: issue, rule of law, application of the law to the facts, and conclusion. I'll start with a very simple illustration. No law involved. Promise.

The issue is whether I have spent the day effectively.

The rule is that I have spent the day effectively when I have spent at least 8 hours studying for the bar exam.

Applying the rule to the facts, today I spent 3 hours studying Property and I spent five hours studying Civ Pro and Corporations. Thus, I have spent eight hours studying for the bar exam today.

In conclusion, because I have spent eight hours studying for the bar exam, I have spent the day effectively.

That's an extremely simple example. Now pardon me while I laugh and throw up at the same time because even though I did study for eight hours today, I still feel stupid.

In other news, I have to see the dentist tomorrow to get my wisdom teeth removed. As long as the post-extraction pain is manageable, I suppose I can study in some fashion.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Please forgive me...

I get the feeling that I pissed someone off. So here goes:

3 schools you went to:

1. College
2. Law School
3. Masters program

3 things in your purse / backpack / pocket

1. My keys
2. My wallet
3. My cellphone

3 things you do when you're really stressed

1. Sleep
2. Watch TV
3. Walk back and forth

3 places you go on a daily basis

1. Bathroom
2. Kitchen
3. Backyard

3 favourite fruits

1. Strawberries
2. Oranges
3. Richard Simmons

3 names you go by

1. JD
2. LLM
3. CPA

3 of your favourite food

1. Assault Energy Drink
2. Decaf coffee
3. Some junk food

3 things you are wearing right now

1. Shirt
2. Shorts
3. Slippers


Who is in the house with you?
No one

Who are you thinking about right now?
The admissions committee at Georgetown.

Who did you last talk to on the phone?
My friend who I can't stand

Who did you sit to in your 5th period class?
Probably some attractive chick.

Who was the last person you told you loved?
Sorry, can't think that far back.

Who do you wish you were with right now?
My future self who has the answers to the bar exam questions.

Who gets on your nerves the most at school?
The classmates who are smarter than me.


Where is your phone?

Where do you sleep?
Wherever the TV is.

Where is the last place you took a ride to?
The mechanic to pick up my car.


What was the last thing you ate?
Something I thought was jello.

What color shirt are you wearing?

What is the closest item near you that is blue?
My PMBR book.

What do you like best about school?
The breaks.

What is your favourite color?

What do you wear most; jeans or shorts?

What is the last movie you watched?
Star Wars E3. I have it On Demand right now. Sweet...

The WHEN's

When did you start school?

When did you last go to the mall?
A month ago.

When did you last burn something?
Last February. Burned my bar application form.


Lately, I haven't been sleeping as well as I would have liked. Ive been getting up more frequently at night to use the bathroom (thanks for the advice, doc). But in a way, it has been a good thing. It has helped me pinpoint what caused the illness back in February. While I haven't found the exact reason yet, I am on the right track and I can make sure to avoid it in July.

Finally, my application has been completed. This doesn't mean much other than the fact that I don't have to bother my professors any more. I guess Im breaking my earlier promise by talking about this so I'll keep it short. I am not anticipating a favorable decision. In light of all the circumstances, I think I have a 30% chance at admission. I'm just hoping that they will make it quick and painless so I can send my deposit check to the other school.

Other than that, I did not get much done today. I finished the Con Law outline (122 pages!) and I'll probably work on the Property outline tomorrow. I should at least get started on practice MBE questions, at least on the subjects I have finished outlining. I anticipate that this week will be a bit slow due to that dentist appointment on Wednesday, so I will have to make the most of it tomorrow.

A fork in the road

I have finished the following outlines so far: Con Law (almost, skipped defamation), Contracts/Sales (skipped remedies), Crim Law, Evidence, PR and Community Property. So how much work have I put in so far? Well, if I were to print out the outlines, I would print 400 pages.

Unfortunately, I am beginning to forget the things I have learned. So I think now might be a good time to switch gears. It's just that Im not sure how to go about doing this. Should I begin taking practice exams? Should I try to re-memorize everything I have learned to date? Should I just continue what I am doing until I finish the rest of the outlines? Should I take a day off? Its getting late. No wonder I can't think.

In lighter news, I have been seeing a bunch of spiders in my room lately. When I see a spider, most of the time I catch it with a napkin, go outside, and let it go. But recently, it appears that the spiders have been taking advantage of my pro-life attitude. So in the future, I will adopt a pro-choice attitude.

When I say pro-choice, I mean choosing the method of execution:
1) the traditional squash (quick and painless but a bit messy)
2) the toilet flush (before or after using the toilet for its usual purpose)
or if I am in a really, really bad mood:
3) well...its really cruel.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

One more outline.

Finished the Evidence outline! Woo-hoo!

Friday, June 02, 2006

What happened to Thursday?

Im posting a little early today because I am taking the night off with some friends tonight. The strange thing is that I thought today was THURSDAY. I don't know where my mind has been lately. I suppose its a combination of trying to cram a lot of information into my head and worrying about a number of things at the same time. I need to start focusing more and worrying less about other things.

On that note (in addition to someone's comments), I decided not to post any more updates on what's going on with GLC. I made a few phone calls and sent some emails today and I think that should take care of any future problems. In the end, its no big deal and everything will be ok. As much as I would love to spend a year in the East Coast, I am happy with staying here and transfering to the new school this fall.

As for my studies, I completed three the Criminal Law and the Sales outline. I am almost done with the Evidence outline and hopefully, I can finish the Property outline (particularly that LONG section on land conveyance). I just realized that I didn't even touch Torts.

Tomorrow, I am taking a day off. I plan to visit two of the bar exam sites, so I can decide which one I wish to go to. I have to check out the temperature, restaurants, and perhaps even local hospitals.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Looks like the template's acting funny.

For some strange reason, my template stopped working. I think I changed it a little too much. Anyway, I'm going to switch back to this until everything's back to normal.

Part 2

Went to see another doctor today, this time an ENT. Basically, he told me that my ears, nose and throat is normal, although he advised me to drink more water every day. He also advised me to come back in a month for a hearing exam. July 11. Fine.

As for GLC, my application still hasn't been completed yet, even though six weeks have passed. Once again, the letter of recommendation is holding me back. Remember the teacher who I thought flaked on me? It turns out that he actually went the extra mile for me. He personally made sure that the school received it. Awful nice of him.
On the other hand, there was a problem with the other professor. I just found out that he sent the letter, but it was "returned mangled". He said last night that he would fax it ASAP.
As for the alternate, he told me that he has faxed his letter to the school.

Let's see what happens, I guess.

I wish this would freaking hurry and Im sick of keeping tabs on professors and Im sure they are sick of receiving my emails. Anyway, I need to know their decision ASAP. The other school wants their nonrefundable deposit. I can probably get away with two more weeks if I really need to, but Id rather not go this route.

BTW, Im seeing the dentist again on June 7. Yup. Im getting my wisdom teeth pulled out.

About me

  • I'm Steven
  • I'm PASSED the bar exam!!
  • Next up, the CPA exam.
  • I need a life.
  • Email me

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