Happy 9/11 day!
I look back to what I was doing that day...
I was sleeping at my parents' house. Around 6:45 AM, I faintly heard my sister say to my mother, "Someone crashed a plane into the World Trade Center." I immediately got up and turned on the TV. Every TV station was focused on the towers. I thought that it might have been an accident, but once the 2nd plane hit the second tower, I knew that this was planned.
School was cancelled that day, and I cancelled my plans for the day. My sister, who worked in one of those tall buildings in downtown was on standby, but was told not to come to work that day. My father also worked in the downtown and he also contemplated staying home, but later left since he worked in an area which was unlikely to get hit.
My first thought was whether someone was going to go nuclear. But I dismissed it thinking that if the terrorists had nukes, they would have used that instead of taking the risk of hijacking planes. My next thought is whether they were going to hit the west coast. All flights that day were cancelled, so I didn't expect to see planes crashing anytime soon. Although car bombs or random violence was also likely.
The rest of the day was a blur. I stayed fixated to the TV, watching the towers fall, and seeing everyone in NY panic as if it was Armageddon. I was waiting for news that order was restored and that the people who did this were identified. I knew that whoever did this was Middle-Eastern/Muslim.
I kinda wondered, is killing Osama Bin Laden worth killing 1 million non-Americans?
I'll get back to you on that.
I was sleeping at my parents' house. Around 6:45 AM, I faintly heard my sister say to my mother, "Someone crashed a plane into the World Trade Center." I immediately got up and turned on the TV. Every TV station was focused on the towers. I thought that it might have been an accident, but once the 2nd plane hit the second tower, I knew that this was planned.
School was cancelled that day, and I cancelled my plans for the day. My sister, who worked in one of those tall buildings in downtown was on standby, but was told not to come to work that day. My father also worked in the downtown and he also contemplated staying home, but later left since he worked in an area which was unlikely to get hit.
My first thought was whether someone was going to go nuclear. But I dismissed it thinking that if the terrorists had nukes, they would have used that instead of taking the risk of hijacking planes. My next thought is whether they were going to hit the west coast. All flights that day were cancelled, so I didn't expect to see planes crashing anytime soon. Although car bombs or random violence was also likely.
The rest of the day was a blur. I stayed fixated to the TV, watching the towers fall, and seeing everyone in NY panic as if it was Armageddon. I was waiting for news that order was restored and that the people who did this were identified. I knew that whoever did this was Middle-Eastern/Muslim.
I kinda wondered, is killing Osama Bin Laden worth killing 1 million non-Americans?
I'll get back to you on that.