Saturday, July 29, 2006

Casualties of Bar - Part 2

I spent the last 24 hours resting. My brain still hasn't recovered completely from the exam but I'm hoping I will be back to normal over the weekend. In summary, the dizzy spells returned, but I was able to find a way to deal with it.


BEFORE THE EXAM - I forced myself to wake up at 5:15 AM. I only slept five hours the night before. Since I have never been to Ontario before, I wish I had taken a test drive so that I can determine the best time to leave the house. However, considering traffic (especially the 10 freeway) is unpredictable, it was probably more prudent to head out early and wait, instead of showing up late. After eating, dressing, and doing a few other things, I left the house at 6AM and got to Ontario at around 6:45 AM.

I felt like crap the moment I got there. I didn't feel completely awake. It's a really awful feeling where you want to go back to sleep, but you can't. My brain does not function well if it is in conflict physiologically. For the next hour and a half, I tried to focus my mind on something else. Thankfully, I met with an old classmate and we spent the next hour and a half catching up on old times. Unfortunately, it only helped a little bit.

At 8:30 AM, we were allowed into the convention center. The moment I sat in my designated seat, I felt a rushing sense of anxiety and dizziness. My mind went absolutely crazy. I didn't show it physically, but I knew this was the same experience I felt six months ago. Needless to say, I immediately considered leaving.

I rushed back to my car, cracked open an energy drink, and drank as much as of it as I could in 30 seconds before returning. I began to realize what was going on: I was having an anxiety attack. At that time, I didn't understand why it happened, but at least I knew that I wasn't going to collapse, faint or have a seizure during the exam.

I returned to the center just as the main speaker began the general instructions. I still felt the rush of dizziness and anxiety, but I was able to remain calm physically. I had hoped that once the morning session began, my mind would focus on the test and away from the anxiety. (But then again, that's not what happened last time!)

THE MORNING SESSION - Thankfully, my anxiety/dizzy spell wore off as soon as the test began. I felt slightly tired, but I was able to fully focus. About halfway into the exam, my stomach began to grumble a bit. The hunger got progressively worse until the end, but I was able to manage. But the worst came about two hours later when I was doing the third Contracts essay. The complexity of the problem confused me a bit, and as a result, I began to feel dizzy. So I stopped what I was doing and gave myself a break. I closed my laptop, took a few deep breaths and tried to clear my mind. I reminded myself that I was going to be fine and nothing was going to happen. Thankfully this technique worked, but it took five minutes to regain my composure. At that point, I read the fact pattern very slowly and I was able to write an answer before time expired.

The morning essay section covered three subjects: Torts, Contracts, and Constitutional Law (For some people, this was a repeat of their first year final exams.) The torts problem was pretty straightforward and limited. It involved false imprisonment, negligence, negligence per se, and vicarious liability. The Con Law question was a broad first amendment problem. Finally, the Contracts problem was a bit difficult. It asked about formation, breach and remedies. Unfortunately, I didn't give a good answer towards the end because the initial offer/acceptance confused me for a while.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

I MADE IT!!!!!!!!!!


I made it past the first day!
I made it to the end!

Anyway, I am so tired.

I'll post the what happened maybe later tonight or tomorrow. I've had my share of unforeseen events the last three days.

BTW, be sure to upload your answers.

Monday, July 24, 2006


I am officially done studying. My brain has shut down.

So whatever happens the next three days will determine whether I studied enough.

I tried to learn everything, but I realized that it is not possible. There will come a point where an essay question will test some obscure issue that I forgot. At least this time, I have a way to BS my way through. The answer might be wrong, but at least I'll get partial credit. As I said before, I don't even remember the black letter rules. Whenever I read an essay question, I look for issues in each single paragraph.

Here's some observations I made:

Day 1 AM - Essays - This section is probably the most stressful because you can be tested on any of the subjects.

Day 1 PM - Performance test - Not as stressful as the essays, but if you don't have a set strategy for tackling these, the time will go faster, and you will get confused. Trust me on this.

Day 2 - MBE - 200 questions of minutia. If you don't know the answer after 90 seconds, guess and come back to it.

Day 3 AM - Essays - This time it is not as stressful as Day 1, since you there are three (or four or even five) less subjects for you to study, but don't let your guard down. A subject tested in Day 1 may appear again, like last year.

Day 3 PM - Performance Test - Thankfully, the final stretch is not that stressful. Still, staying focused and staying in your rhythm will get you past this.

Sweet. Anyway, I packed everything I will need and I even selected my clothes. So basically all I need to do tomorrow is wake up, shower, put on the clothes, and walk out.

So the question is, will I pass? I'm sure of it. I know a lot more than I did than the last two times. Also, I took better care of myself over the last six months.

On that note, I wish the best of luck to everyone and I'll be back on Friday.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Pre-epilogue epilogue

Once again this insane temperature is preventing me from sleeping. I've been trying desperately to wake up at 6AM.

On Monday, I'm going to call the State Bar and ask them if I can switch test centers. To make a long story short, something came up and the other test center may be more convenient for me.

I've felt so damn isolated the last few months. I'm not even sure if I have any real friends anymore. I am hoping that when I start at my new school next month, I can find some people to kick it with.

I mentally did a few more essays today. Its nice whenever I am reminded of what I still don't after all this time. I have to remind myself that I will pass this time.

I have been following other bar exam bloggers, mainly the repeat takers, and I can already guess who will fail and who will pass. In general terms, the ones who I think will fail are those who are following the same routine that made them fail the previous time.

Tomorrow...I'll probably study a little bit, but I'm not sure how. I also need to buy food (and LOTS of it) for the upcoming week.

Random Insomnia

Its 2AM and I can't sleep. This is not good.

I'm thinking it's something I ate. Or probably the soda I drank around 7PM. Or maybe because it's so freaking hot in my room. Whatever.

Until I feel sleepy again, I'll just write about anything.

So what have I done differently this time? I made an effort to take care of myself. I've seen several doctors.

And as for studying? I copied most of that damn Barbri outline word by word. Unfortunately, I didn't finish, but I completed about 98%. And I think it was worth it. I learned a few new rules I overlooked the last two times.

Also, got rid of the cigarettes after November. And I've been coffee free for the last month. BUt I think the energy drinks have helped.

I stopped writing out the essays a few days ago. Now I just read the fact pattern, and just think out the outcome in my head.

I think about the future at least once per day. If I don't pass, I can't devote the same amount of time I used to. The student loan people are a little pushy about this type of thing.

But I guess the good news is that I feel confident this time. Most of my answers were at least as good as the essays, and my writing skills have improved.

Anyway, my urge to sleep has returned. I'll be back.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Everyone is lazy.

I guess I am not the only one who has been speechless the last few weeks. A lot of bar exam bloggers have either reduced their postings dramatically or have quit posting altogether. I guess its hard to express your thoughts when you're nearing the finish line.

I still worry that what happened on February will happen again next week. Its one thing to fail the exam, but it's totally different when you're sent to the hospital. To this day, I don't know what happened. I keep telling myself it won't happen again. By all accounts, I should have passed last February, and I would be blogging about the CPA exam, and going nuts over assets, liabilities, capital, valuation, auditing, etc. At least it's comforting knowing that the CPA exam is a different experience (and quite possibly not as harrowing.)

Stooping to new lows
On my way to the library today, I saw a certain billboard in Los Angeles. Unfortunately, I am so disgusted with what I saw that I can't even give credit to it even if it means that this paragraph will make no sense. According to internet rumors, the billboard seems to be a teaser for some upcoming TV show, but it could be some weird ad campaign. Once I find out who is behind this, I will refrain from watching their show, buying their product, or supporting their position.

Anyway, its getting late. I'm trying to wake up at 5:30 AM so I better get to sleep.

Essay Predictions

Apparently, the predictions for essay questions have been released. Considering that Barbri's predictions were mostly wrong last July, I gave it little attention.

Last July, I thought about every possible scenario as to how the bar examiners came up with the essay questions in the hopes that I can reasonably predict what the questions would be. Of course, now I realized that this was a total waste of time.

Here are my personal predictions:

Professional Responsibility - with obscure rule
Real Property
Remedies - likely cross-over
Criminal Law - with obscure rule
Criminal Procedure - with obscure rule
Torts - with obscure rule

Study note: I highly recommend not doing a PT at night. It's hard to concentrate for at least three hours knowing you plan to sleep soon.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Seven Days

To be quite honest, I haven't posted lately because I really didn't know what to write about. Anyway, my postings will at times be sporadic until this exam is over so please bear with me.

As focused as I should be, considering this is my third (or second) time, I still feel scatterbrained. I can only recall a few rules off the top of my head. But when I read an essay test, I can most likely recall a rule after looking at a fact pattern.

A week from today, I will take the bar exam again. Here are some nuances that takes place on the test days.

You are expected to arrive about thirty minutes before the test begins, around 8:30AM. The next thirty minutes is spent listening to the proctor's monotone voice regarding prohibited items, particularly cell phones. The proctor makes it clear to you that cell phones are prohibited, and then reminds you again in case you were busy trying to get your Examsoft to work.

After the first half of the test, you have a two hour break for lunch. Technically its 90 minutes since you have to be back at the site by then. The second half then begins with the proctor reminding you yet again that cell phones are prohibited.

Moral of the story - leave your cell phone in the car.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Sorry, I've been a combination of busy, tired, and bored in the last week. I'll be back soon. Promise.

About me

  • I'm Steven
  • I'm PASSED the bar exam!!
  • Next up, the CPA exam.
  • I need a life.
  • Email me

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