Monday, December 26, 2005

A great cloudy day.

For those living in Southern California, the last few days were pretty warm. The days were averaging 82 degrees (25 degrees Celsius)! Which is why I was particularly glad to see clouds (and even a little drizzle) this morning.

Has anyone ever heard of a game called Second Life? Looks like The Sims on crack.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

What is a holla back girl?

These definitions are not much help.

On that note, what is a Gwen Stefani?

8:32 AM (yeah, yeah, I know the title sucks)

As I went out for my morning cup of coffee, I noticed that the sun was brighter than normal. This coupled with my dirty windshield made it almost impossible to see in front of me.

This year is one of those unlucky years where Christmas day falls on a Sunday. This means:

1) For many people, Sunday is a day off anyway, so no day off.
2) More people will be forced to go to church, particularly the ones who do not go on a regular basis.
3) For a few people, no opportunity to watch the morning game shows.

I'm going to stay home today and try to get in eight hours of studying.

In the spirit of being politically correct, I wish everyone a happy day off from work!

Thursday, December 22, 2005


This website is dangerous! By coming here, you will lose your job, your grades will suffer, and will end up losing your family and friends.

You have been warned.

Staying in.

The California State Bar sent me a mail confirming that I will be taking the exam in Pasadena about 15 minutes away from my house. I was actually worried because I registered pretty close to the deadline and I didn't certify my laptop until a few weeks ago. If Pasadena wasn't available, then I would take it in Ontario (60 minutes away) or in San Diego, which would mean that I would have to get a hotel.

Since the school libraries are closed, I tried studying this morning at a public library near my house. Unfortunately, the library was a bit noisier than I expected. I suppose this means that I will have to study at home at least for a few weeks. Unfortunately, I have to find a way to keep myself from turning to the TV.

So today, I will study Real Property, one of the harder subject because of its weird intricacies. If I have time, then I'll do some more MBE questions.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Stupid Libraries

Winter break also poses another problem. The school libraries are closed.

Won't they ever think of the non-students?

PR - 2 essays

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Time's running short.

I just realized that the bar exam's exactly two months away and I am at a disadvantage compared to others in my situation.

The main problem is that I have less time to study than others in my situation because of my LLM classes. In January, I have to take three night classes. I would place them on hold, but these classes are required for the program and they only offer these classes in the Spring semester. I suppose I can just not pay attention in class for the first two months.

New Year's Resolution #1 - Take things one thing at a time.

Contracts - 50/80
Evidence - 32/40

Monday, December 19, 2005

Strangely enough....


Click the back button and see what happens.

For future reference, PLEASE don't include those annoying pop-up messages. It's really annoying.

I came to the realization that talking about the exam ad nauseum is quite boring.

I actually broke two promises I made to myself today by studying at a Starbucks. The first was to not study at a coffee shop. And the other (one I made some time ago) was not to study somewhere far away. At least the good news is that I got a lot done, I think.

If the freezing temperatures didn't convince me from avoiding Starbucks, then winter break should definitely convince me. High school and college students were hanging out there most of the day. Bunch of noisy pricks. But God, I freaking envy them right now.

Tomorrow, Im going to study 1/2 Wills and Trusts and 1/2 Contracts.

Crim Law/Crim Pro - 110/150
Civ Pro - Tape

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Insert Random Comment Here

Ah, what the heck.


You have got to be kidding me!

Looks like Ebay finally pulled it. (12/19 - 8:13AM)

A time to analyze "A Time to Kill"

To my luck, the movie "A Time to Kill" was available on my cable's on-demand feature. I thought that I can guess how the movie would end by legally analying the story. Here's how it goes, without the ending.

Two white men were driving along the road when came upon a 10 year old black girl walking on the street. The two white men get out of the truck, assault the girl and almost kill her. The two men were soon arrested by the local sheriff. Some time later, the two men were being taken to court, possibly for their arraignment. While being taken to court, the little girl's father rushes into the building with a machine gun. He then shoots and kills both of the men and wounds a police officer in the process, which resulted in amputation of one of his legs. The night before the shooting, the father went to a lawyer's office asked if he would help him out "if he was in a jam. "The father was arrested, and was charged with two counts of murder and one count of attempted murder.

So the issue here is, how would the court rule against the defendant on a bench trial? Will a jury trial make any difference?

I'll be back later with the legal analysis.

Day 1 - Part 2

Unfortunately, I didn't get much done today at all. I spent the day cleaning up my space and making some phone calls to friends. Tomorrow (or today), I plan to study at home, but I will not turn on my computer at all.

I spent some time looking over people's blogs and after reading (or trying to read) some of them, I come to the realization that the human imagination knows no bounds. On a brighter note, I had a nice conversation with Furness today. Its 3AM where she is living and she cant sleep because of jet lag. Poor thing.

I just realized that my sister also has a blog, but she's off in xangaland so Im not worried about her finding me.

Once again, tomorrow, I'll get my cup of coffee and this time, I'll review something interesting, perhaps criminal procedure, and the death penalty.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Bar Study, DAY 1

I got a MUCH needed haircut today.

Is it just me, or do the people at Starbucks intentionally make the place extremely cold to deter people from studying there? I better start avoiding coffee shops as a study hangout. Its beginning to get really distracting and I dont want to end up with a cold. All I really wanted was a cup of coffee anyway. I spent half of the day reviewing some Criminal Law topics before getting bored.

Before leaving, I happened to notice a couple walking in dressed pretty warmly. The weather this morning was pretty cold so that was prudent of them. When they were leaving, I noticed that they were carrying drinks in a clear, plastic cup. Which means that they ordered an ice cold drink! They might as well strip down to a t-shirt and shorts while they're at it.

Friday, December 16, 2005

Doggie Dont

This little guy is one of my dogs. Unfortunately, he considers my room as the equivalent of the backyard. Well, today was no different. When I got home, I noticed that he left a distinct puddle on the floor.

Well, I spent my official day off doing nothing. Tomorrow, its off preparing for that nightmare called the Bar Exam. Sometimes I wish I graduated from a law school in Wisconsin.

Blog Site or Advertisement

I typed "attorney" on the search engine just to see what would turn up. I had hoped to see some attorneys writing about their experiences. Unfortunately, the results are mostly advertisements for legal services. So I guess they are advertising under the guise of a blog. How clever.

Is it just me, or does this seem at least a tad unprofessional?

But then again, I am making myself known as an almost attorney here, so does that in itself constitute advertising?

Credit Report issues, part 2

I thought Id answer some of the questions first.

Prince Romp,

That's what collection agencies do. My guess is that my account was part of a bulk of uncollectible accounts that the original creditor sent to the CA for pennies on the dollar. In other words, they probably had 100 past due bills they couldn't collect. So they sold these bills to a collection agency for 20-50%.

Pretty much they are trained to get full payment and will even try to bully you to get it. They will only negotiate if they believe that you wont be able to pay all of it.


Actually, I initially had to get a co-signer, but now that this matter is cleared up, I have to talk to the bank again about getting the loan on my own.

The war against smoking continues!

I thought the last article was pretty harsh, but check this one out! Anti smoking activists are now trying to limit people's smoking inside their homes.

Im taking the day off!

Screw the bar. I took five exams and Im tired. Maybe tomorrow.

Gotta customize this site

I know this looks a bit boring. I gotta fix this place up a bit. I need suggestions.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

How to deal with a negative item on your credit report.

I applied for a loan a few months ago, and it was turned down. I had good credit, so I was wondering "WTF!" So I checked my Experian credit report and I found that there was an item on collection. It was only $20, and chances are that the bill was accurate. So I called the collection agency (CA) up and offered to pay the bill. This is my recollection of the conversation:

CA: The full amount due is $45.
Me: Excuse me, but my credit report states that I owe only $20. Why do I have to pay $45?
CA: Because this includes collection fees.
Me: Then why does it say $20?
CA: Because that's how we are supposed to report it.
Me: Look, I didn't know about this bill, and I would have paid it if I did. So I just want to pay $20.
CA: That's fine. Its your credit report.
Me: What are you talking about?
CA: You can pay $20, but the entry is still going to stay on your credit report. Look, I dont want to argue with you anymore. You pay whatever you want and I will decide whether to let this stay on your credit report. Dont call back here anymore. (Hangs up.)

Man...that pissed me off. That day, I learned never to talk to a CA in person. I spend a better part of the week learning about CAs and credit reports. To make a long story short, I sent them a check for $45 with a letter stating that by cashing the check, they would agree to delete the entry from my credit report. They accepted the check and a few days later, the entry was gone.

On that note, I thought I should share some of the things I have learned about how to deal with these guys and keep your credit clean. I should point out that CAs are different and some are more reasonable than others. Also, this is anectodal evidence. In other words, results may vary.

1. MAKE SURE THAT THE DEBT IS ACCURATE - If you know for sure that the debt is not accurate, then you will have to get in touch with the original creditor. Your credit report should state who the creditor is. If you are able to get in touch with the original creditor, then find out the circumstances surrounding the bill and explain that you have been billed erroneously. If the creditor agrees that the bill is not accurate, GET THIS IN WRITING. Let me repeat, GET THIS IN WRITING. If they wont commit to this, then have them agree to delete the entry (or have them call the CA to inform them that the debt is inaccurate.)

2. DONT THINK EVERYTHING WILL BE SETTLED OVERNIGHT - If the amount in dispute is small, chances are that you will be able to settle this matter in a week or two. But be prepared to be patient, particularly if the creditor or CA is resilient. In the meantime, make plans to find a reliable co-signer.

3. NEGOTIATE - If the bill is accurate, then you will have to pay it in full, including collection fees. Unless you owe a particularly large amount, the creditor or CA is not likely to negotiate a lower payment. However, make sure that payment is conditioned upon deletion of any negative entry from your credit report and that a PAID entry is not acceptable. Once again, be patient.

I'll be back with more after I get some sleep.

Finals are over!!!

Ahhhhhhhh..............Finals are over.

But now studying for the big, big exam -- the February Bar Exam -- begins.

So the big question is where do I begin? I have a whole bunch of bar review books, approximately 4000 MBE sample questions, and 100 essay questions.

Should I start with a subject I like? (Evidence, Contracts)
Or one that I hate? (Community Property)
Or one that I have absolutely no knowledge of? (Remedies)

What a way to spend Christmas break.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Exam today!

Shoot. I havent studied yet.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Winter Sonata on December 25

For those who watch Asian drama, there was a show called Winter Sonata which a lot of people liked for some reason. I just found out that it will be on the ImaginAsian (?) channel on December 25.

Fire the smokers!

This is an interesting article that will certainly light up the smokers. A major company is making plans to fire employees who smoke. The companies' rationale is that they do not want to shoulder the health risks of employees who smoke.

I'll get back to this.

Studying for final exams, part 1.

Actually, its more like part 112. I need to finish Corporate Tax and Tax procedure. Lets see how far I get in one hour.

Steven's blog site

I created a blog site today. Woo-Hoo!

About me

  • I'm Steven
  • I'm PASSED the bar exam!!
  • Next up, the CPA exam.
  • I need a life.
  • Email me

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